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 Awards für Beissbarth Automotive Group
Juni 2002



Das Exekutivkomitee des EITM Institutes betreibt seit vielen Jahren umfangreiche Leitforschung auf dem Gebiet des Automotive Aftermarket, deren jährlicher Höhepunkt die Preisvergabe für hervorragende Leistung ist.

Dieses Jahr, als Teil des silbernen Jubiläums des Institutes, entschied das Komitee jene Firmen zu prüfen, welche hervorragende Produkte und Leistungen für den Globalen Automotive Aftermarket erschaffen.

Als Teil der Beissbarth Automotive Group München wurde Beissbarth UK Ltd., Geschäftführer Philip Hodges, für den größten Beitrag bei der Weiterentwicklung des Automotive Aftermarket ausgezeichnet. Unabhängige Nachforschungen ergaben, daß Beissbarth Werkstattausrüstungen in bester Qualität, in einer breiten Produkt Palette, excellenter Technik, und, allem voran mit bestem Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis liefert.

Die entscheidenden Kriterien für die Vergabe des Awards waren:

  • Kundendienst
  • Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
  • Innovation
  • Investition in Technologie

Die offizielle Verleihung des Awards war für die Reifenmesse in Essen geplant. Ein Fluglotsen-Streik in Irland verhinderte jedoch leider die Anreise des Überbringers Patrick Sheedy vom Transport Journal.

Über den Termin der offiziellen Preis-Verleihung, die vorraussichtlich in London stattfinden wird, werden wir Sie informieren.

Philip HodgesBeissbarth UK’s Managing Director, Philip Hodges, erhielt den Lifetime Achievement Award des Institute of Transport Management (ITM) für sein Lebenswerk.

“In einer 30 Jahre überspannenden Karriere wurde ich Zeuge der gewaltigen Veränderung in unserer Industrie und den erormen Fortschritten in der Technologie. In vielen Fällen hatte ich das Privileg an dieser Entwicklung mitwirken zu dürfen.
Jedoch hat mich nichts auf diesen besonderen Moment meiner Karriere vorbereitet, mit dem ITM Lifetime Achievement Award ausgezeichnet zu werden. Es ist wirklich eine große Ehre." sagte Philip Hodges anläßlich der Verleihung.

englische original Award Notification- als pdf-Datei (90KB)


The Executive Committee of the Institute has been conducting extensive research into the automotive aftermarket for many years, culminating annually with its Awards of Excellence. This year, as part of the Institutes Silver Jubilee , the committee decided to examine those companies who provide outstanding products and services to the Global Aftermarket. Having a very good relationship with Philip Hodges at Beissbarth UK, we decided to conduct a research piece into Beissbarth Automotive Group, and were very pleased with our findings, leading us to present you with the above accolade, THE most prestigious of any Automotive award this year.

This accreditation is designed to recognise the company that has made the biggest single contribution to the development of The Automotive Aftermarket and by inference, provides the Garage Owner Manager with a most comprehensive management tool.

As the recipient, Beissbarth Automotive Group will now be promoted by the Institute as the benchmark for others in the sector to emulate and indeed promotes itself to its customers, suppliers, investors and staff as a Best in Class organisation.

Independent research concluded that Beissbarth provide the Garage Owner with equipment of the highest quality, the best range of products, excellence in technical matters, andabove all, outstanding value for money. The main criteria considered were:

*Customer Service
*Value for Money
*Investment in Technology.

An official presentation of this accolade will take place at the Reifen Messe in Essen, Germany on May 30.

Now in their 25th year, the ITM Awards are rapidly progressing as the major accolades in the sector, assessing the true value of particular products and services provided. The decision to accredit Beissbarth Automotive Group comes as a result of the express recommendation of the Institute's research team, in recognition of the company's outstanding contribution to the Automotive sector, as witnessed through its outstanding services provided, and its constantly expanding portfolio.

The relationship between Beissbarth Automotive Group and the ITM will be handled on a daily basis by myself, and I look forward to assisting you to explore other avenues and ways of maximizing the benefits of this nomination. The ITM's PR Department will issue you with a specially designed award nomination logotype, which you will be able to use in all corporate branding during the term of the award from corporate brochures, to Web site, etc.

This is the official publication of the Institute, circulated amongst members, which will carry a major report to all award winners. It has been found to be an excellent support mechanism to promotion of success.

Founded in 1977, the Institute is dedicated to the ongoing development of the transport industry. The Institute works as a forum for the exchange of ideas and solutions in all aspects of modern-day transport.

  Quelle: Beissbarth Automotive Group  

  Beissbarth GmbH
Beissbarth GmbH
Hanauer Str. 101
80993 München
+ 49-(0)89-149010
+ 49-(0)89-14901285